Thursday, September 12, 2013

Comprhensive Assignment Week 5: Political Campaign Cartoon

        This is a satirical political cartoon, depicting a man representing a political candidate handing over a stack of gold bricks to a women who represents a campaign manager. Beneath the drawing, the caption states, "For this amount we can run you a nice word of mouth campaign!" It is apparent that the women is making this statement to the man, or political candidate.  His expression is grime, it is obvious that he was expecting the campaign to be much larger than just word of moth with the amount of gold he brought it.
         This political cartoon represents the grim reality of running a political campaign; in order to run for any office it requires a great deal of financial responsibility, much more than the average person would presume.  This type of political cartoon may be found in a newspaper or other media outlet, criticizing the outrageous amount of money that is necessary to run a well organized and far reaching campaign.

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