Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Comprehensive Assignment #1: Political Cartoon

Comprehensive Assignment #1:  Political Cartoon

        This political cartoon was intended to be present in an American newspaper at during the height of the Federalist/Anti-federalist debate.  It is done in black and white with a rustic background, in order to imitate the political cartoons of the time period. 

            In this depiction, there are two men each holding a set of documents.  The first man is holding tightly to a set of documents labeled “The Federalist Papers.”  By holding them all together is symbolic of the Federalist’s view of a united union.  The man depicted on the right, portrays a man trying to hold on to thirteen papers entitled “Articles of Confederation.” It is apparent that he is unable to hold them together; rather they have fallen and have become ripped and torn.  These papers become symbolic of the thirteen states under the “Articles of Confederation,” falling apart from each other in disintegration.  This cartoon illustrates strong Federalist propaganda, and encompasses the main documents vital to each faction’s side. 

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