Saturday, September 21, 2013

Comprehensive Assignment #6: Letter's to Representatives

Political Cartoon: Letter's to a Senator


     This cartoon depicts a women on the laptop, with books and research spread out beside her.  It is implied that she is writing a letter to her Senator.  Two thought bubbles appear above her head; the first one is one of her as a super hero, representing the empowerment she feels through the process of having the right to send her opinions, concerns or questions to her political representatives.  The next thought bubble is a depiction of Lindsey Graham, actually reading her letter.  The expression on the depiction of Lindsey Graham was intentionally left vague, because as a political leader there is often the debate of whether they are to lead or follow the public's opinion.
      I drew this cartoon as a representation of my experiences in this weeks assignment.  Through this assignment I felt a sense of empowerment by having the opportunity to have contact with my Senators and Representatives.  I choose to draw a representation of Lindsey Graham, because I have not received a response from him as of today, but at the same time it has only been a couple of days since I sent my e-mail.

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